UHSA School of Medicine

Can Oppositional Defiant Disorder be Treated in Primary Care?


A 2018 case report in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology and Psychiatry suggests that Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), a diagnosis which is increasing in developed setting, can be treated in primary care settings.

As the incidence of ODD continues to grow, non-specialist mental health providers, particularly those in rural and remote areas, were access to mental health services are limited, will be increasingly called upon to treat this disorder. This will be particularly true for general practitioners, family physicians, pediatricians, mid-level providers and others, given the relative scarcity of clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and mental health providers in such settings. It is important for non-mental health specialists to recognize and have a basic understanding of how ODD can be treated in such settings.

As such, this 2018 case report presents a typical ODD patient in such a setting, and details the course of the successful treatment of the patient using a variety of approaches, including parent-child interaction training, family therapy, social skills training, problem solving training in a co-care arrangement with a specialist mental health provider, suggesting that ODD patients can be successfully treated in non-specialist environments.


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