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Category: Programs

Specialties in Demand for 2021

WHAT MEDICAL SPECIALTIES ARE MOST IN DEMAND FOR 2021? Physician shortages are nothing new. Globally there is a growing demand for highly trained physicians to

Specialty Roundup: What is a Hospitalist?

GOOD INCOME + PREDICTABLE SHIFT WORK = HOSPITALIST The American Board of Physician Specialists defines hospitalists as “…physicians who have dedicated their careers to hospitalized

Specialty Roundup: Nephrology

A FASCINATING SPECIALTY IN DEMAND Fascinated by urine, the kidney, and complex renal physiology? Nephrologists are masters of fluid, electrolytes, and acid–base homeostasis. After all,

Do Family Doctors Deliver Babies?

THE FAMILY DOCTOR DOES IT ALL Many students enter medical school wanting to specialize in obstetrics and gynecology, but find that they love the broader