UHSA School of Medicine

UHSA Alumus appointed Chairperson of AAP Committee

Alumnus appointed Chairperson of AAP Committee

We are pleased to announce that UHSA Graduate (1991) Dr. Rana Chakraborty has been appointed to Chairperson of the Committee on Pediatric AIDS (COPA) for the American Academy of Pediatrics. In this new position, Dr. Chakraborty will be actively involved in chapter activities and bring his expertise and considerations to the chapter.

Congratulations to Dr. Chakraborty on being appointed chairperson of this important Academy committee. Your accomplishment is a true testament to the outstanding quality of education at UHSA and we are proud to be your Alma mater.

About Dr. Rana Chakraborty

UHSA Graduate Rana ChakrabortyDr Rana Chakraborty has been an Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases since September 2008, having previously completed Pediatric ID training in The Bronx, NY, Newark NJ, Oxford, England and Nairobi, Kenya. His interests include understanding the immunovirology of HIV infection in children, Pediatric HIV care and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. He is Director of the Pediatric center at the Ponce clinic – the largest facility in the state of Georgia offering care to HIV-infected infants, children, adolescents and their families.

Current areas of research include eliciting potential correlates of protection at the placental interface and potential application to HIV vaccine development, and drug metabolism of antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected adolescents and children. In both fields there is a relative paucity of scientific studies and evidence-based literature.

Prior to coming to Emory University, Dr Chakraborty worked as a Consultant in Pediatric ID at St George’s Hospital, London and developed and published UK guidelines on Pediatric HIV care including management of opportunistic infections and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. He sits on a number of national and international committees including the Children’s HIV Association of the UK, the Committee on Pediatric AIDS under the AAP and The DHHS Panel on Treatment of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women and Prevention of Perinatal Transmission.

About UHSA

The University of Health Sciences Antigua (UHSA) located in Dow’s Hill, Piccadilly Antigua is an outstanding academic institution dedicated to educating exemplary physicians, nurses, postgraduates and researchers in accordance with the highest professional standards who will integrate clinical, biomedical and behavioral knowledge to promote the health and well-being of patients and communities.

We are committed to educating physicians and health care professionals who will address national and international challenges in medicine with an emphasis on primary care and be known for excellence in practice, service, compassion, collegiality and scientific curiosity while demonstrating sensitivity to the diverse cultural environments in which medical care is delivered.

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