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UHSA to Launch Free Clinic

UHSA Chairman Dr. Deborah Akande sits down with ABS Television to discuss the Free Clinic of English Harbour project, a student operated clinic serving the English Harbour area in Antigua. Joining her from Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.) are Dr. Benjamin Walker, Assistant Dean, Office of Minority Student Development and Ms. Vikki Fackler, Nurse Clinician, Internal Medicine and Nurse Coordinator Hoya Clinic.

UHSA will open the clinic by the end of the year and will be open two days each week and have student participation. There will also be nurses and a physician on staff.

The Hoya Clinic at Georgetown University is a student-driven free clinic and caters to the city’s homeless and uninsured. Dr. Walker and Ms. Fackler have been extremely helpful as UHSA prepares to open the doors of its clinic.

There had been a clinic in English Harbour but it has been closed for about three years. Members of the community have been going to the UHSA campus and asking for medical care. There is a need for this clinic, in this community. The clinic will be not be doing vaccinations but will try to accommodate most other primary care services – flu shots and wellness care. It is our hope that it becomes a medical home for the community.

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