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White Coat Ceremony Held in Puerto Rico

Congratulations to those students who were honored at the recent White Coat Ceremony in Puerto Rico this month! The ceremony took place on September 6, 2014 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Forty-four students participated.

Dr. Raul Garcia-Rinaldi joined us as our keynote speaker. Dr. Garcia-Rinaldi is a thoracic and cardiac surgeon in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. In 1991 he established the Dr. García-Rinaldi Foundation, a non-profit 501c3 organization that has been serving the Puerto Rican health, education and community. The vision of the Foundation is to foster cardiovascular health in all areas of society to help reduce the cases of death caused by cardiovascular disease in Puerto Rico and to contribute to a better quality of life. He currently works at the Mayaguez Medical Center in Puerto Rico as the Director of the Cardiovascular Program. He is also a board member for the San Juan Bautista School of Medicine.

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